


Cupping Therapy dates back thousands of years to 1550 BC where it was first used in Ancient Egypt and then later used in Chinese Medicine.

What does a Cupping treatment involve?

  1. A detailed history of the symptoms you’ve been experiencing will be taken
  2. The practitioner will place the cups on your skin and depending on what your symptoms are this will be on your back, chest, abdomen, glutes, arms or legs
  3. As the practitioner uses the pump on the cups you will feel a sucking sensation and pressure
  4. The cups will be parked in one place or moved around for up to 10 minutes and then be removed by the practitioner
  5. Your skin may turn red and later show light marking from broken capillaries for up to 10 days, this is normal.

Benefits of Cupping Therapy

  • Increased blood flow to muscles – the suction from the cups increases circulation to the area where the cups are placed.
  • Local pain relief
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Loosens connective tissue and stimulates tissue relaxation
  • Promote healing to soft tissue
  • Reduces anxiety- when the cups are placed on the body and specifically moved around, your parasympathetic nervous system engages.
  • Encourages tissues to release toxins- focused blood flow helps your body by flushing built-up toxins through the lymphatic system.

What conditions can Cupping Therapy be used for?

Cupping is particularly useful for easing muscle aches and pains and may assist in the following conditions:

  • Headache and migraines
  • Lower back pain
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Knee pain
  • Lumbar disc herniation
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
  • Arthritis
  • Asthma and Chest congestion
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Insomnia

In a treatment session at Just Add Health,Cupping Therapy will be used in conjunction with Remedial Massage to gain full benefit for your muscle health.



Remedial massage therapy involves a range of techniques and styles, such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy and sports massage, which focus on treating specific injuries and repairing damage.

Why choose remedial massage therapy

Remedial massage therapy is a very therapeutic form of massage. When muscles are knotted, tense or damaged, remedial massage therapy offers a holistic method of healing using gentle, strong and deep or shallow movements. Remedial massage works to treat specific injuries or muscular dysfunction using a range of techniques to locate and repair the damaged muscle, joint, tendon or ligament. This in turn will work to rebalance the body and contribute to optimal health.

What to expect

Remedial massage therapy will often involve an assessment of the client in order to isolate the muscles that are functioning incorrectly and identify muscle and postural imbalances.
A remedial massage may involve the use of oil, which is applied directly to the skin. The use of oil ensures the muscles associated with the disorder are deeply penetrated. It also means the individual will be unclothed during the massage.

Benefits of remedial massage therapy

Remedial massage therapy has a number of therapeutic benefits. Remedial massage works to increase circulation and blood supply, allowing toxins in the muscles to be removed. Soft tissue techniques also increase the blood supply to damaged nerves and, in turn, assist in the recovery and repair of injuries.
Remedial massage therapy helps reduce stiffness and swelling and also works to relax and strengthen the muscles. Remedial massage therapy works to improve joint mobility and contribute to an overall feeling of relaxation and wellness. It is also beneficial in pain management by relieving tension and spasm in the muscles.

Conditions that can be treated with remedial massage

Remedial massage therapy is beneficial for a range of complaints and ailments. It produces particularly effective results for muscular and skeletal dysfunctions including muscle tightness and pain, arthritis, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, whiplash, neck and back pain, scoliosis, headache and sports injuries.

Remedial massage therapy styles

Remedial massage therapy uses techniques such as deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy and a range of stretching and cross-fibre techniques. Soft tissue techniques may be used to increase circulation or deeper, stronger movements may be used to release tight muscles and relieve long-term pains or injuries.

  • Trigger point therapy deactivates the trigger points that cause pain or referred pain in other parts of the body. Pressure is applied to alleviate the source of pain.
  • Deep tissue massage is a firm remedial pressure massage that works specific muscles and tension areas. It helps relieve muscle spasm and any associated pain while also improving flexibility and posture. Deep tissue massage is designed to relieve severe tension in the muscle and the connective tissue.
  • Sports massage uses remedial techniques to improve recovery and reduce the pain in muscles, joints and tendons as a result of sporting activity.