Have you ever had an "Aha!" moment in your life? That proverbial eureka moment when everything just suddenly makes perfect sense and it all becomes crystal clear? Well, that's how I felt after my very first "Introduction to Homeopathy" lecture. My husband and I were planning on starting a family in the near future, so discovering that there was a natural medicine that was safe, has a 200 year history of efficacy, has pretty much zero contra-indications and can be used from the second you're born until the day you die, made absolutely perfect sense to me. I wanted to raise my children as natural and healthy as possible - Homeopathy was my answer!
I became pregnant with my son during my second year of study. Homeopathy helped me to have a wonderful pregnancy and a drug-free, natural, homebirth. I used it for everything from morning sickness to labour pains and to speed up my recovery after birthing my beautiful little boy. Shortly after finishing my fourth (and final) year of studies, I became pregnant with my daughter and once again, used Homeopathy all throughout my pregnancy and to help me have another amazing homebirth.
That all seems like such a long time ago! My children are almost 9 years old and 6 years old and are two of the healthiest kids I know, all thanks to Homeopathy. I really hope that I can share this wonderful, natural medicine with you and your family as well.
Please note that I only treat women and children. Consultations are either in person (Just Add Health, Stoneville) or can be done online via FaceTime, Whatsapp Video or Skype.



Have you ever had an "Aha!" moment in your life? That proverbial eureka moment when everything just suddenly makes perfect sense and it all becomes crystal clear? Well, that's how I felt after my very first "Introduction to Homeopathy" lecture. My husband and I were planning on starting a family in the near future, so discovering that there was a natural medicine that was safe, has a 200 year history of efficacy, has pretty much zero contra-indications and can be used from the second you're born until the day you die, made absolutely perfect sense to me. I wanted to raise my children as natural and healthy as possible - Homeopathy was my answer!
I became pregnant with my son during my second year of study. Homeopathy helped me to have a wonderful pregnancy and a drug-free, natural, homebirth. I used it for everything from morning sickness to labour pains and to speed up my recovery after birthing my beautiful little boy. Shortly after finishing my fourth (and final) year of studies, I became pregnant with my daughter and once again, used Homeopathy all throughout my pregnancy and to help me have another amazing homebirth.
That all seems like such a long time ago! My children are almost 9 years old and 6 years old and are two of the healthiest kids I know, all thanks to Homeopathy. I really hope that I can share this wonderful, natural medicine with you and your family as well.
Please note that I only treat women and children. Consultations are either in person (Just Add Health, Stoneville) or can be done online via FaceTime, Whatsapp Video or Skype.